Women and girls often have few opportunities for employment or to pursue a livelihood, due to limited
resources, underdevelopment, and cultural sensitivities. Birunda Young Mothers group to supports
women’s livelihoods through Self-Help Groups. These women meet on a regular basis in local communities
to develop specific skills, such as tailoring, sewing, carpet-weaving, and handicrafts.
In addition, we train the group on topics such as bookkeeping, banking, and business practices. by the end
of the training through the skills they have acquired they can make items and sell them , and be able to
earn a profit to support their families, while also ensuring the group remains financially self-sufficient.
We build the capacity of existing two instructors to be able to handle the teenage mothers who attend
training at the center. Depending on seasons, sometimes the single room becomes full making it difficult for
the instructor to conduct training.
Many teenage mothers are willing to attend the short course training in the area of Tailoring and Dress
Making but due to lack of fees charged, they remain at home and continue being exploited for sex by men.
To support this project, kindly donate towards any/all of the following;
- Paying fees for a teenage mother(s) of US$ 30 per trainee per month for 3 months
2. Sewing machine donations.
3. Material (clothe) donation is also required.
4. Salary of one instructor of US$ 50 per month.
5. Rent payment of US$50 per month.
Your donation will go along way of equipping teenage mothers with short technical skills necessary for life.