Tuchape Story is a digital storytelling platform for social change. The problem we are solving is lack of positive role models and mentors among youths in Trans Nzoia County that has contributed to drug abuse, hopelessness, and increase in crime.The project leverages on the power of narratives to amplify voices, foster community engagement, build confidence, motivate, educate and drive positive transformation in the community.
Objectives of Tuchape Story
- Inspire youth for social causes by creating human connection and emotional resonance
- Share learning and lessons from successes and failures with the youth
- Communicate abstract and complex ideas in ways that encourage understanding and value connections
- Introduce a new topic into the public dialogue, contribute to an ongoing conversation and engage youth as active participants.
“I know from experience that something happens when two people sit down to tell stories from their lives and to listen. Together, maybe they learn, they forgive, they cry, they remember. Something in them moves, even if it’s just a tiny bit. Storytelling and Social Change offers valuable guidance for people who want to use the practice of telling and listening to stories to make a positive difference in their communities.”
—Dave Isay, founder and president of Story Corps
The long term ambition of COHECF KENYA is to build a digital storytelling platform, called Tuchape Story, to promote youth empowerment.
Our short-term ambition is to research, identify, validate, record and edit short film stories of 4 inspirational leaders who have overcome social challenges. And, to publish/distribute the final stories on our organization’s various social media platforms.
This semester, we have partnered with Dimco Consults Ltd, a research consultancy firm that has helped us to research and identify 3 individuals with impactful stories. We have schedule 3 video interviews that will take place by 5th of October 2024.
We have signed anchor deals with a research consultancy firm- Dimco Consults Ltd, videographer Yassin Paul Ndeta, digital communication expert-Hera Aiko to lead our digital and communication team, Qwetu Nyumbani for a recording space in their cool library, and Vox Radio that has committed to giving us airtime on radio to promote our Tuchape Story platform.
About the Project Lead- Michael Ochieng Nyawino
He’s a high school graduate teacher, financial literacy expert and youth employability consultant with 16 years of experience; 8 of these as a consultant in youth employability with both local and international organizations.
The Team
Michael Ochieng Nyawino – Project Lead
Hera Aiko- Digital & Communication Expert
Paul Ndeta Yassin – Videographer & Editor
Dimco Consults Ltd- Research Lead
Rose Murunga- Community Mobilizer
Digital Storytelling – We research, identify, validate, record and edit short film stories of change and share through our social media pages.
Digital Literacy Training – Get up to speed with the latest digital media tools and techniques. Our sessions cover video production, audio recording, editing, and more. Youths will also be taught how to use a computer/mobile/internet for their day-to-day activities and being able to connect with others through the internet.
Storytelling Workshops – Learning the art of storytelling with hands-on workshops covering everything from crafting your narrative to mastering digital tools.
Live Storytelling Events– We conduct live sessions where the audience is able to interact with storytellers and get immediate feedback as storytellers share their stories.
Cultural Exchange– Participate in exchanges that highlight the rich cultural diversity of our community through engagements with council of elders to share cultural norms and values. Listeners will be able to learn from others’ experiences and expand their horizons.
Get Involved
Partner with Us: We welcome partnership from individuals and organizations that are in agreement with our work. Feel free to send us am e-mail through: tuchapestory@gmail.com
Volunteer: To be able to have a great impact in our community, your support is required. Get in touch with us to discuss more on how you can make positive contribution in the project.
Watch our videos on Youtube
Contact Us
Mobile: +254725368831 , E-mail: tuchapestory@gmail.com /michael@cohecfkenya.org
1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
10. Reduced Inequalities
17. Partnership for the Goals